Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Discrimination Is An Illegal Act - 1660 Words

Discrimination is an illegal act that happens in Corporate America every day. Workplace discrimination can result from unfair treatment because of an employee’s race, disability, gender, ethnicity, national origin and sexuality. The Workplace Discrimination Prevention Manual is a guide that helps identify and prevent common types of workplace discrimination. The Prevention manual gives an overview of employment discrimination laws and tips on how managers can identify common biased behaviors. Being able to distinguish between appropriate and inappropriate behaviors are key to a manager’s success. Successful managers understand that discrimination is not always illegal. There is no illegal activity when employees base decisions off characteristics pertaining to job performance and a person-organization/job fit. Employers can also select candidates from standardized testing because there is less flexibility and the numbers are extremely accurate. When giving an employment test managers should make sure everything is even and the data or questions are not flawed. Flawed data can cause biased results which ultimately can lead to hiring the wrong person or maybe the managers pick because his choice is not actually qualified for the job. Illegal discrimination occurs when managers fail to hire, promote, demote or fire an employee because of characteristics they cannot change. Employees have a hard time proving discrimination in the workplace because sometimes managers show noShow MoreRelatedEthics of Workplace Discrimination Essay1434 Words   |  6 PagesWorkplace ethics are standards or codes that determines right and wrong moral behavior in the work environment. 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First off, you have 30 seconds to think of any reasons why discrimination may occur: Write your answers the text box below: Discrimination: Occurs when a person is subject to unfair treatment, based upon a characteristic that is considered to be abnormal, in association with certain individuals or groups, lifestyle choices, or a personal circumstance that is not desired in the workplace. What laws cover non-discrimination

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