Thursday, February 27, 2020

What are the key similarities and differences between neorealism and Essay

What are the key similarities and differences between neorealism and neoliberalism - Essay Example The debate within the length of this paper is to establish the main differences that exist between neorealism and neoliberalism, find out the shared assumptions that exist between the two theories and lastly pinpoint the issues that have been left unquestioned by both the neorealism and the neoliberalism bases. The role played by both neorealists and neoliberalists as well as the opponents of the same theories have also been highlighted during the length of this paper. Thus in all essence, a deep and incisive look has been provided to the two theories at hand and every effort is possibly made to establish a link with each other’s traits and characteristics. In conclusion, a significant foundation has been discussed with respect to the two theories and the learning that has been brought forward by the respective theory at hand. A theory of international relations – neorealism is also known by the name of structural realism. It was coined by Kenneth Waltz in the year 1979 in his famous book ‘Theory of International Politics’ where his premise was in support of having a global structure which could act as a restraining force on the behaviors of the state. This was deemed significant because the states which had their outcomes within the expected range could make their way and survive in the related midst. Thus neorealism can easily be remarked as a similar system to the microeconomic model which makes use of organizations setting price and quantity equations on the structure of the market. Neorealism looks to explore the classical realist thinking ideology of E H Carr, Niebuhr and Morgenthau. Neorealism has been brought forward by the incorporation of American political science domains. It wants an attachment with the strongly linked and positively inclined social science. (Gilbert, 1999) On the other hand, neoliberalism encompasses a political movement that includes within it the economic liberalism. What this economic

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Learning, Coaching, Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Learning, Coaching, Development - Essay Example Thus the training program would be differently focused as now teaching, helping, guiding, and developing the employees would be given attention such that the multi channel strategy can successfully be implemented. Employee development is an essential aspect of any business organization that is carried out by the Human Resources Team of the organization. Development and hence training is essential as it helps the employees to improve upon their skills and effectiveness (Werner and DeSimone 2011). Individual learning and development have always proved to be beneficial for organizational employees who become more committed, responsible, and motivated to their tasks followed by such training program. Organizations thus find it an essential part of the HRM processes to include training processes, particularly focused on learning and coaching, for development of employees (Park 2007). Based on the case study and the need for the organization to develop its employees towards the use and imp lementation of multiple channel communication for their business, a four weeks training program will be developed, along with discussion of the different stages of the training cycle, and the impact of learning and coaching on development of employees. 2. Identification of Training and Development Needs: When training and development is considered within an organization, there are individual roles and responsibilities of the organizational managers, the professionals of the HR team, and the employees (Jackson, Schuler and Werner 2011). The basic roles and responsibilities can be outlined as follows: Managers need to understand the developmental needs of the employees and cooperate with the HR team to implement the necessary training measures. They need to encourage the participation of the employees in the program and offer the learning and coaching techniques to them thereby participating and giving effort in the program (Jackson, Schuler and Werner 2011). The HR professionals need to coordinate with the managers and determine the employee needs for development. Accordingly, the training program needs to be planned and implemented followed by evaluation. To communicate with the employees, and administer the program involving complete participation of the employees, are the responsibilities of the HR team (Jackson, Schuler and Werner 2011). The role of the employees is to understand the organizational objectives, and hence realize the need for their development of skills and effectiveness. Based on their understanding they need to cooperate with both the managers and the HR team to successfully implement the training program. The learning and coaching offered to them by their managers and HR team need to be considered as opportunities for them to enhance their positive skills (Jackson, Schuler and Werner 2011). 2.1. Basic Skills and Competencies for Call Canter Work: Call centers have emerged to be significant development for organization of white-collar works . Several businesses are now outsourcing their works and call center proves to be a major development